Dear Respected Elmar and Wolfgang
Warm Greetings
I do hope that you are doing well in good health. I also hope your families are also fine in Austria.
Things are going well in Nepal and Moonlight school. We had a final exam two weeks ago. Most students achieved excellent results, both socially and academically and have progressed to a higher class following an evaluation of their semester examination results, social skills, attitude and extra activities. Our students have been diligent in their studies and have performed well in their last semester. Most were excellent in their attendance and punctuality, completed homework, respected the rules and regulations of the school and aspired to self-improvement.
We have again been impressed by the hard work and dedication of our teachers and students are performing well as a result.
Our new education semester will start next week. It is also my pleasure to update you that we have added 20 more new students because 12 students passed out from 5th grade and we put new students in their place. Using the survey based on their family background and condition of poverty. It looks like my trekking company will be able to generate some money again for Moonlight school this year so we have added some more kids at Moonlight School.
It is also these children at Moonlight School who will always remember you for your contribution, hard work to their education through your involvement with our project of providing free education to Nepal’s most disadvantaged students. They, and we, are deeply grateful for your patronship. Thank you so much!
I am now in Singapore to attend the conference of the international schools overseas trips and also meet some international schools and give them information about our service-oriented, social enterprise, travel company.
Thank you so much again for all of your great support for the building. We truly appreciate it and are grateful for your support. Thank you so much!
Kind regards
Santosh Koirala
Moonlight Foundation Nepal